A little while ago, friends in the DD forum and I were discussing the creation of DD boys. Since Volks will probably not make anything of the sort, quite a few people decided to make their own using either existing head sculpts or 'customizing' a blank head to make a DD boy. I've always found the Mari sculpt to be quite boyish so decided to experiment by using her on the Obitsu body, thus Marius was born. Marius is an exchange student who happens to bear an uncanny resemblance to Mari. I wanted to put this in an alternate universe since I still can't get the plot on how this all happens. I know, that's a sorry excuse and I have yet to write the sequel. I blame it all on pregnancy hormones, i.e., my brain is fried and I'm too exhausted to do anything other than retype this in my blog. Sigh. Anyway, please enjoy what little I wrote. I will eventually write the other parts when I've got more energy. Bear with me please :).